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  • Are custom orders returnable?
    No, all custom orders are final sale and cannot be returned.
  • How long does it take to process a custom order before shipping?
    The processing time for most custom orders is 4-6 weeks, but some items may take 6-8 weeks.
  • Will I be notified when my custom order ships?
    Yes, you will receive an email with tracking information once your custom order ships.
  • What is the typical fulfillment time for pre-orders?
    Pre-orders usually take 4-6 weeks to fulfill, although sometimes they may be completed sooner.
  • How can I contact customer support?
    You can email customer support at, available Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 6 PM EST.
  • Are there special timelines for pre-orders during events like Mother’s Day or Christmas?
    Yes, special pre-order event occasions will have expected delivery timelines that are communicated during the pre-order process.
  • How will I know the estimated ship date for my pre-order?
    Your estimated ship date will be provided when you place your pre-order.
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